Merely “Leisure” Activities?
am often surprised by the stuff I know that others seem totally
ignorant of. It is not as though I deliberately set out to stuff my
head with trivia to impress people around me, or, as I have more than
once been accused of, make them feel stupid. Even when not suspected
of being deliberately uncharitable in my opinions of my fellows,
others feel obliged to remind me that not everyone is “interested”
in the same things I am, and usually revolve around doing something
useful with a computer.
all have the right to allocate such resources as we can afford–in
terms of time, money, and energy–to the leisure activities of our
own choosing or inclination–provided they are legal, of course. In
developed countries, at least for those not mired in poverty
(generational or otherwise) or burdened by a cognitive disability,
there are a wide range of leisure pursuits available to them. Those
that whine about being “bored” or that there is nothing that
“interests” them immediately to hand, it bears pointing out that
it is those with boring, unimaginative minds that are often the most
easily bored; in short they are not trying hard enough.
few weeks ago I was talking to a co-worker that recently purchased a
Windows 8 computer and they complained about the absence of the
familiar “Start” menu. I empathized, telling him that when I was
shopping for a new laptop shortly after Win 8 debuted it took me all
of 10 minutes on Google to find a workaround so I could get back to a
Win 7-type desktop, which I too preferred. He responded (I’m
paraphrasing), “Well, you just 'get' stuff like that.” I tried to
point out that it is the exact same skill set one used to look up
information on a particular topic using the index in
a book or using an old-fashioned library card catalog, but
his reaction gave me the distinct impression that wrapping his
head around what I had said would have required more thought than he
cared to, or could be bothered to, invest. Much of this tension
arises from the idea, wide-spread in our modern culture, that having
to figure something out, to think, or to
use the ability to reason
in order to reach a goal is somehow optional in the same way that
knowing how to crochet is optional.
our 21st-century
society, some have gotten it
into their heads that
expecting supposedly
competent adults, at least occasionally, to step outside their
pathetic little comfort zones and exert themselves mentally,
cognitively, or intellectually so they can get to wherever it is they
want to go, or accomplish, in life is somehow a form of bullying.
Such a position could not be more wrong, or more dangerous. As
an adult with a clinical diagnosisi
of ADD, staying organized, focused, and on-task is something that in
no way, shape, or form comes naturally to me. Given my diagnosis,
according to experts that assist those with disabilities in finding
and keeping a job, I should avoid desk-bound jobs that require good
time-management, record-keeping, and organizational skills. The
problem is, that is exactly the job I have. Every day I
have to discipline myself to do things that do not come naturally to
me or that were once outside my personal comfort zone, like keeping
good case notes on my clients and staying on top of my schedule. At
this point, a reader might be forgiven for thinking I am a really
arrogant bastard; however, they may be surprised to learn that I hate
to say “no” when someone asks for my help with something, even
when it means dropping what I'm doing. It has been a struggle
learning to “no” when working on something that cannot easily set
aside and pick up again later.
sapiens (modern humans), and the plants and animals we raise for
food, have become the dominant terrestrial form of life (excluding
insect-sized critters and smaller) on the planet. The reason for this
is (or ought to be) obvious; our ability to reshape the environment
around us. In modern, developed societies, the environment is
dominated not by the climate, or the local geography, but the
culture(s) in which we live. Our brains, and their associated wiring,
largely determine what our natural inclinations are and this
powerfully influences what hobbies, interests, and leisure activities
we choose from among what is available in the culture(s) in which we
are embedded. Among the consequences of this interplay of genes and
culture are the friends we choose, what we choose to talk about, the
music we listen to, the books we read (or don't read), the movies and
television shows we watch, the foods we come to enjoy, and a great
many other things.
bi-directional interaction of our genes and the environments we tend
to gravitate towards (due to our genetic predispositions), when
played out over the human lifetime can, and does, have profound
effects on intellectual development. In the lead up to the October
2012 annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, the 5 October
issue of the journal Science was devoted to highlighting
'Mysteries of the Brain.' In that issue, a news article titled ‘Why
Are You and Your Brain Unique?' looked at, among other things, what
we do and do not know about intelligence. The scientific consensus is
that in young children, roughly 20% of the variation in intelligence
is due to heredity (this is where twin studies are particularly
(p.693) Surprisingly, research
studies involving older adults have found that the heritability of
intelligence in that particular cohort can approach 80%.1
(p.695),2 (p.35) One possible
account of how the heritability of intelligence can go from 20% in
young children to 80% in older adults is that what is heritable may
not be raw computing power, but rather proclivities towards certain
behaviors and tendencies to seek out certain environments.2
(p.35),3 (p.86–6) In the Science
piece cited above,
behavioral geneticist Robert Plomin summed it up by asking,
“Do you read books and talk to people who make you think more, or
do you lobotomize yourself with television?”2
a ten-year old's preference for spending a rainy day exploring their
local public library as opposed to sequestering themselves in their
room playing mindless video games may seem pretty trivial, over time
such behavioral tendencies can exert a powerful influence on an
individual's intellectual prowess. Plomin willingly concedes that
testing that explanation experimentally may be difficult, but neither
is it impossible.2
(p.35) The takeaway here is that as
children, the playing field‒in
terms of any “edge” one might have courtesy of their
much more level than many have
supposed. Flipping those
percentages around, 80% of the variation in intelligence seen
in children is not attributable to genetic hard-wiring
but to environmental factors‒and
that includes what leisure activities they
choose to seek out, so in
a sense, it is very much a question of use it or loose it.
Personally, I have serious misgivings about the prospect of
genetically engineering super-smart humans, and fortunately, for now,
we do not know how to. I do not want to live on The Planet of the
Morons either, so what can be done?
influences of organisms' inherited traits when played out against the
local environment is the essence of natural selection and this is
just as true of our species as it is of all the other species on the
planet. Perhaps the best example of a trait that is mostly genetic is
height, the recipe for which, like intelligence, is made up of many
different genes. Any human population, in a particular place and at a
particular time, say white, adult males born in the United States
between 1960 and 1969, will have an average height. A portion of the
deviation from that average height (in either direction) of any one
individual in
that population will be
due to the
specific combination of genes
they have inherited, and the remainder will be due to environmental
factors, of which there
are also many,
and include things like
an individual's medical history.
The greatest impediment
to reaching the maximum height allowed
by an individual's genes
is malnutrition prior to reaching sexual maturity. World-wide, the
heritability of height is consistently observed to be between 65% to
80%. 4
The lesson is that if a population has its basic nutritional
needs met, the average height of that population is not very
environmentally malleable.
contrast with height, the fact that only 20% of the variation in
intelligence seen in children is heritable should mean
that intelligence is far more susceptible to a society's efforts to
maximize it by creating environments in which the intellectual
development of children can flourish. The fact that by late adulthood
the heritability of intelligence approaches 80% clearly shows the
epic scope of our failure as a culture to avail ourselves of the
robust malleability of intelligence seen in children.ii
Instead, we have created a society and culture where people feel
entitled to not have to think very hard, or well, about anything and
become indignant when suffering the trauma of the cognitive
equivalent of a hangnail or the need to apply a little mental elbow
grease to accomplish a goal. We
have convinced ourselves that it is an
to “human dignity”
to require
of ourselves, and others, to
think clearly, master a particular skill that does
not have an obvious,
immediate use, or present a
cogent, evidence-based argument, or
defend against such an argument made by
another party.
just so happens that a substantial portion of the leisure activities
I find most rewarding and enjoyable are those that engage my
seemingly endless curiosity, challenge me intellectually, and expand
my understanding– and appreciation–of the universe we
collectively inhabit and of our place within it. Having observed my
fellow human beings over the course of my adult life, I can honestly
say that a majority of them seem to avoid anything even remotely
resembling the sort of things I enjoy like one might avoid an
Ebola-ravaged African village–and I gladly concede that others'
avoidance of such things is a right they are entitled to exercise.
Though my teenaged self could not have predicted it, looking back
over the intervening decades it is obvious that my interests, and
hence the leisure activities I chose, have had the side effect of
making me much better informed, better prepared, and more competent
at navigating the increasingly complex and rapidly changing world of
the 21st-century.
any goal worth achieving or realizing any meaningful growth as human
beings is impossible without stepping outside our comfort zone; if
where each of us wants to be always lay within our comfort zones then
we would already be where we want to be. Pretending that anyone
is entitled to not having to step outside their comfort zones, to
never feel frustrated, to never have to struggle to learn something
new or unfamiliar, or never face disquieting facts on the way to
attaining their goals would be, quite simply, a lie‒or
if one prefers, an act of bearing false witness.
broader implications of bearing false witness in matters of the
intellect, to ourselves and others, will be the subject of my next
1. Deary,
I. J., Spinath, F. M. & Bates, T. C. ‘Genetics of
Intelligence’. Eur. J. Hum. Genet..
p.690–700; (2006).
2. Miller,
G. ‘Why Are You and Your Brain Unique?’. Science.
p.35–36; (5 Oct. 2012). doi:10.1126/science.338.6103.35
3. Neisser,
U. & Boodoo, G. ‘Intelligence: Knowns and Unknowns’. Am.
p.77; (Feb. 1996).
4. Lai,
C.-Q. ‘How Much of Human Height Is Genetic and How Much Is due to
Nutrition?’. Sci.
(11 Dec. 2006). at
accessed on: 19 Nov. 2014
i At
least once a week I hear someone say something like “I am so ADD.”
My response is to point out that unless they have been diagnosed my
a licensed psychologist in a clinical setting, it doesn't count, and
to describe themselves as having ADD or ADHD is to misrepresent
themselves to others...period.
ii Imagine
the outcry if, after children in a particular population were weaned
(at the age of 3 to 5 years), the heritability of their height was
observed to be only 20%, but after reaching sexual maturity, the
heritability of height came in at 80%. Their individual genetic
makeup remains the same, so we would be scrambling to identify, and
remedy, whatever environmental factors were stunting the growth of
so many children. Given that it is our cognitive faculties, far more
so than our stature, that are essential to thriving in a modern,
technological society, why is there not a similar outcry over the
wasted potential of so many young minds?